Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nothing particularly special

My shoes have died. Two pairs, in fact. Cause was usual wear and tear. Now, I must seek the next great shoes to fill, uh, the old ones. Fill a shoe with a shoe? How silly would that be! Of course, when you need to cram a pair into a little cubby hole supposedly designed for shoes that apparently belong to a toddler or slim footed female entities but marketed to regular adults, you come to realize the practicality of slipping one shoe or slipper into another to conserve this endangered space. In danger from being occupied but some other mass? Why so small? There's barely enough room for one of my shoes to be stored in the contraption, let alone two. Sure, a shoe rack would probably make a little more sense, but only a little if you take in consideration the vertical distance between each row of this rack. I have large, though by men's standards average, feet and big shoes that need lots of space. I need order, structure, to my shoe storage as the current chaos only spreads from the pile of shoes outward to the rest of the room. The dangling laces taunt my books and paper, my pencils and paint, my models and tools with this perception of freedom from my rule over them. Deception most foul. Shoe racks will not work for these deviants. Instead, they must be holed up so that there is no chance of disrupting the peace. The rack would offer the opportunity of leaping down to the floor when no one's watching and escape the prison above groung. No, only a shred of light cast upon their heels is all they'll get. There will be order.

Ahem, so, I'm gonna need to by some new shoes. Wish me luck! : )