Saturday, January 05, 2013

"John Carter" is horrendously under-appreciated.

Having not read the book "A Princess of Mars", I cannot speak to the quality of Disney's attempt at another box office mega-franchise as an adaptation of the source material.   But as a movie in of itself, I found the movie incredibly imaginative, entertaining, and in no way an insult to my intelligence.  I strongly recommend this as a fun sci-fi adventure film with strong Western movie overtones.

Since Disney's marketing department failed miserably to promote such a great movie, I am now going to have to the read the Edgar Rice Burrough's "Barsoom" series of novels to find out what happens to John Carter, Dejah Thoris, and the rest of the inhabitants a Mars that never was.  Oh, cruelty that is literacy.  My understanding is that this book series inspired future sci-fi writers such as Arthur C Clarke and Robert Heinlein (if Wikipedia is to be trusted, though the logic is sound).  Even if a lot of fluff was added to the movie, the imaginative basis of the story is even nowadays a well executed stretch.

Watch "John Carter."  Don't expect anything particularly deep in terms of exploring philosophical, sociological, psychological, or scientific/astrophysical ideas and notions, but don't expect these to have been completely ignored in constructing the fantastic world of Barsoom.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

I love Chihayafuru.

That is all.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random thought for today or dreaming in riddles

How many choices do we actually have? How many of them do we ignore?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Old post from my other blog; still applicable

Just picked up Allspark Alamanac Volume 2. I am so missing that series...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Under a tree with apples falling....

I find my head pummeled by the fruits of life. With each opportunity that hits me square in the face, I'm in a daze without a clue as to what to do with it. I have never learned how to properly make pie, and I certainly can make it into sauce. Making lemonade seems to be more my style, though usually without an sugar to be found.

How do most people react when presented with a door just begging to be opened, a large neon welcoming sign overhead shining brilliantly? Apparently, I'm used to walking right by and looking for something a bit more subtle, perhaps a bit of calligraphy printed on a marble placard and ambiguous as all get-out. Maybe I just got used to ignoring the obvious signs because it always seems to good to be true.

Growing numb to the apples tumbling to the ground may be a habit resulting from not being shown or encouraged to gather them up in a basket to take home. Instead, I just wait for them to drop right into my lap. The more time passes, the more it seems like I should be wandering through some orchard looking for whatever appeals to me. Maybe nectarines would be better, or plums. Not oranges, they're a pain to peel. Or maybe oranges because they are a pain to peel. I don't know.

I feel like I'm just laying on the grass looking up at the branches and watching fruits fall, listening to the "thump" as they hit the ground, each one another opportunity that I haven't yet picked up and studied, and most likely won't, let alone chance a bite.

Grapes are good. So are cherries.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sketchy sketch sketch...

Hi, just uploaded a sketch that I did for a friend recently onto my DeviantArt gallery so go ahead and take a look. : )

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Notions 7

I have just posted Notions 7 on my deviantart gallery.

Hopefully, the last two entries in this series will be online within the month. My artistic progress has been otherwise postponed by life circumstances. Thanks for your patience. : )