Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cold weather, mmmmmmm....

The windows of the car were fogged over (on the outside, yes, but still fogged), my lungs felt a crisp chill as they filled, and the hairs on my ears were standing. Suddenly, I feel right at home.

These are the days I love: Autumn days. You have just enough sunlight to maintain your vitamin D balance (I believe that's the one that requires sunlight or ultraviolet rays as a catalyst, I don't remember too clearly at the moment; vitamin A maybe?), and just enough cold breezes to keep you from falling asleep on the way to and from work. If I weren't such a hermit, I'd probably be enjoying it a little more.

Creative inspiration is an elusive creature. I've attempted to recapture it after having lost my old one a few years ago. So far, I've caught a few little ones, bits that have led to some very nice pieces of art and music, but not the ones that could sustain me through a full multi-phase project. These provide just a little more drive, more vigor, and more determination to end each day with a greater sense of "yes, that will do" and the satisfaction of having taken advantage of the day, rather than squandering it.

Autumn days are themselves inspiring. We'll see whether anything flourishes from them, or simply blossoms.


Blogger kevinfreitas said...

Many blossoms can lead to a beautiful garden.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Annita said...

The autumn days sure do bring around some beautiful scenery around these parts. The trees changing colors, just the drop of a leaf onto the ground can be such capturous beauty that some average person would just walk by and never give that a second thought. There is so much natural intruiging parts to this world of ours. Sit down and enjoy the breeze.

4:51 AM  

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